How to Make Smart Purchasing Decisions You Won't Regret

Smart shopping decisions

During these crazy, uncertain times, it’s more pertinent than ever to be smart with how we spend our cash on personal things.

Whenever I feel like buying something for myself, I run through a simple 4-step checklist:

  1. Longevity & durability: Do I see myself using the item on a regular basis and/or will it last a long time?

  2. Value retention: For expensive items, Is there a decent resale value in the future?

  3. Versatility: For clothes, can you match the item with several other items and do I feel good wearing it?

  4. Bottom line: Do I truly feel excited about the item?

If my answer is yes to all the above, great! Now I wait another 5 days…

After 5 days, I repeat the checklist. And if all answers are still yes, then I go for it.

This has helped me minimise unnecessary spending and I haven’t purchased something I’ve regretted in a long time.